The Need

Millions of people in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are denied the right to access quality healthcare because of extreme poverty, armed conflict, and mass displacement — leading to an alarming range of community health challenges and concerning statistics that are entirely preventable.

Community Challenges

Unregulated programming in rural medicine

Lack of trained, medical professionals

Under-resourced health facilities

The DRC in numbers

81 deaths
per 1,000 under-five children
34 in 1,000 infants
die within a year after birth
9 per 1,000 mothers
die during or immediately after giving birth
857,000 children under five
suffer from malnutrition
66.5% literacy rate
versus the global rate of 86.3%
61 years old
life expectancy in the DRC as of 2020

Our solution puts the heart back in healthcare.